Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

What is Satoyama?

What is Satoyama?

There are several ways satoyama can be defined, but basically, satoyama are villages that live sustainably with their nearby forest and mountains. These villages have found a balance in living with the forest by maintaining it and keeping it healthy, while benefiting from its gifts like food and protection from natural disasters.

Usually, we can identify the human settlement and its border near the forests with satoyama. Behind that border lies the realm of god, which well represents the limit of human expansion. Beyond that limit, civilization loses its balance with nature. This is why satoyama is a model for sustainability, and a prime example of “if you take care of nature, nature will take care of you.”

Origin of Satoyama

In an attempt to trace the origin of Satoyama by researchers, it is generally agreed that between 13h and 15th century, people moved away from progressive community centers into the isolated areas. They did so to tap on resources, for example pottery materials and high quality charcoal. As such, these movers had to be self-sufficient while co-existing with the surrounding nature. It is a sustainable mindset that is consistent with the mindsets of artisans of today, as they are highly aware that taking resources beyond what nature could provide would harm their livelihoods. In fact, the research also suggests these satoyama were resilient, as they built the community thinking about the natural disasters Japan was prone to.

The features of Satoyama

Japan’s Ministry of the Environment identifies key approaches to protecting the ecosystem in a satoyama, including:

  • Resource use within the capacity of the environment
  • Circulation of natural resources
  • Recognizing the value of local traditions and culture
  • Natural resource management with stakeholders
  • Contribution to local socio-economies

There are a number of satoyama in Japan. Examples include Keihoku in Kyoto Prefecture and Kamiyama in Tokushima Prefecture.

Future of Satoyama

While the term Satoyama was originally coined to emphasize regional revitalization, it has become clear that satoyama holds wisdom to living sustainably with nature. It is clear in two aspects:

  1. learning to live within the limits of the ecological ceiling, and
  2. respecting that the relationship between humans and nature is not separate, but that humans are a part of nature.