Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

What is B Corp™?

In a world where profit often takes precedence over people and the planet, a growing movement is challenging the status quo. Enter B Corporations, or B Corps, a global community of businesses committed to conducting business for social or public benefit. These companies undergo rigorous assessments to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. B Corps redefine success in business, shifting the focus from merely maximizing shareholder value to creating shared value for all stakeholders.

Examples of B Corps and the initiatives

Japan, known for its innovative business landscape, is increasingly embracing the B Corp™ movement. For example, a skincare brand, Fermenstation, based in Iwate Prefecture, sources materials and manufactures organic rice alcohol and other functional ingredients using green energy.

Throughout the production process, they incorporate livestock feed and compost from waste materials, aiming for zero waste. Additionally, they collaborate with various stakeholders to develop sustainable materials using unused resources for other cosmetic companies.

Another notable B Corp™ in Japan is Harch Inc., a sustainable media company. They are currently developing and managing nine web media in multiple domains, including sustainable business, circular economy, English education, finance, sustainable lifestyle and sustainable tourism.

In operating the media, the company has focused on the idea of “constructive journalism” and have aimed to create a positive impact on individuals and society through the dissemination of information, focusing not only on issues facing society, but also on solutions.

B Corp movement in Japan

The B Corp™ movement in Japan is gaining momentum, driven by a growing awareness of the interconnectedness of business and society. More companies are recognizing the importance of integrating purpose into their business models to address pressing global challenges. By becoming B Corps, Japanese companies not only differentiate themselves in the marketplace but also contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Moreover, the Japanese government’s support for the B Corp™ movement is evident through initiatives like the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s TOKYO SUTEAM program, which promotes sustainable business practices and fosters collaboration among B Corps and other stakeholders. As the B Corp™ community continues to expand in Japan, it serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that businesses can be a force for good in the world.

In conclusion, B Corps are not just a trend but a transformative force reshaping the future of business in Japan and beyond. By embracing the principles of sustainability, transparency and social responsibility, B Corps are paving the way for a more inclusive and resilient economy that benefits people and the planet.