Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

What is Rinne Tensei?

Although the term “Rinne Tensei” became well-known as a manga series like Naruto, Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen, which gained popularity worldwide, not many people know its origins.

Rinne Tensei (輪廻転生), originally derived from the Sanskrit idea of “Samsara,” is a Buddhist concept that refers to the cycle of rebirth and reincarnation. It is believed in Buddhist teachings that all living beings are subject to the law of cause and effect and that their actions in this life will determine their rebirth in the next. Rinne Tensei is seen as a continuous cycle of birth, death and resurrection, which can be broken only by attaining enlightenment and escaping the cycle of suffering, or in other words, going to Buddhist paradise.

Six realms – the worlds after transmigration

The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to get out of the circle of Rinne Tensei and go to paradise. Anyone who is not deserving is sent to one of the six paths or realms (六道) after transmigration: (1) the world of hells, (2) the world of hungry ghosts, (3) the world of animals, (4) the world of bellicose demons, (5) the world of humans and (6) the world of heavenly beings. The first three worlds are believed to be as terrible as hell where people who break the five precepts (killing, theft, sexual misconduct, falsehood and intoxication) go. However, Buddhist teaching to attain enlightenment is only taught in the world of humans where we live at this moment. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to get out of hell once one goes there.

Rinne Tensei in the present time

Although in Buddism originally the Rinne Tensei cycle was defined by suffering, it is more commonly associated with reincarnation today. ISSP (2009) reports that 40% of Japanese from various age groups believe in the idea of Rinne Tensei regardless of their religion. According to one theory, the idea of Rinne Tensei transferred into various belief systems including folk religion over many centries, and the concept of rebirth remains prevalent now.

How does the idea of Rinne relate to sustainability?

For example, these people’s belief in the previous life and the next life encourages them to behave conscientiously toward all living things because they could have been or may later be an extension of their own soul. Japanese locals used to care for their neighborhood, animals and natural surroundings by recognizing themselves as a part of the epic Rinne circle. “That could have been my soul.” The empathetic belief or imagination in Rinne Tensei may broaden the range of our personal responsibility and offer a step towards saving the earth.