Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Tokou with green: from a carbon neutral sake brewing revolution

Kojima Sohonten Inc., a venerable sake brewery, has achieved a significant environmental milestone by attaining carbon neutrality in its sake production. Starting in September 2023, the company reduced its carbon dioxide emissions to virtually zero, aligning with Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon neutrality goals.

Located in Yonezawa, Kojima Sohonten has been crafting sake for over four centuries. The company’s journey to carbon neutrality included a pivotal shift in 2020 to exclusively produce pure rice sake, thereby eliminating the need for imported brewing alcohol. This change was part of a broader strategy to minimize waste and maximize sustainability in the brewing process.


A key aspect of Kojima Sohonten’s approach is its collaboration with local farmers for sustainable rice cultivation, employing automatic weed control robots to grow pesticide-free rice. Additionally, the brewery has been innovative in utilizing byproducts of the sake brewing process. For instance, rice bran is repurposed as fertilizer or feed for livestock, and sake lees are distilled into liqueurs.

In February 2023, Kojima Sohonten even took a significant step by switching to renewable energy sources, using biogas generated from sake lees. This transition would be instrumental in the company’s achievement of carbon neutrality.

To commemorate this environmental achievement, Kojima Sohonten is launching a new product, “Tokou with green,” a testament to the company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. This new sake variety not only highlights the company’s sustainable brewing practices but also offers a rich taste profile, appealing to both environmentally conscious consumers and sake aficionados.


The brewery’s commitment to sustainability has also been recognized on the international stage. Kojima Sohonten was recently nominated in three categories at “THE DRINKS BUSINESS GREEN AWARDS 2023,” a global award recognizing sustainable practices in the liquor industry. The new “Tokou with green” sake will feature a label made from paper derived from old or broken rice, utilizing vegetable-based inks. This packaging approach not only reduces food waste but also aligns with the company’s overarching environmental goals. Kojima Sohonten’s achievement in carbon neutrality and its continued efforts in sustainability set a precedent in the liquor industry and contribute to the global conversation on environmental responsibility.

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