Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Breaking gender stereotypes: Nail care becomes “genderless” in Japan

In recent years, a new trend has emerged in Japan that challenges conventional gender stereotypes. Alongside the rise of genderless fashion, nail care and nail art are becoming popular among men. Traditionally, the perception of nail art was strongly associated with femininity. However, the trend of men’s nail art is shattering those stereotypes. How is men’s nail care and art becoming a trend in Japan?

Male nail care becoming popular as fashion and grooming

A trend of genderless fashion began around 2010 in Japan, following a global movement. Around the same time, K-pop became popular in Japan. Korean male idols embrace styles and makeup that transcend traditional gender norms, which inspire the Japanese young generation. As a result, genderless fashion and cosmetics brands have been increasing, which is empowering individuals to express their unique identities and breaking free from gender stereotypes.

In addition, the perception that beauty practices are exclusively for women is also shifting. More men are paying attention to their appearance, and doing skincare, haircare and nail care as women do. In fact, the term “Biyou danshi” which means a man who enjoys beauty practices to enhance his appearance has arisen in Japan and more people accept men’s beauty practices.

According to a survey conducted in 2022 on attitudes and practices related to men’s nail care (*1), 13.5% of respondents reported having engaged in nail care and art either at salons or at home. Additionally, 8.7% expressed an interest in it. The top five reasons cited for engaging in nail care were: preventing troubles such as cracking and dryness (24.8%), wanting to have clean-looking nails (23.5%), considering it a necessary aspect of personal grooming (22.8%), wanting to boost their mood (20.7%), and desiring to be fashionable (20.2%). While some simply enjoy it as a part of fashion, some consider nail care an essential part of grooming.

Genderless nail salons and polishes are now available in Japan

With the growing popularity of nail care among men, men’s-exclusive nail salons became available in Japan. Traditional nail salons, which are primarily targeting female customers, have sometimes turned away male customers. Moreover, due to gender stereotypes, many men feel hesitant to visit nail salons. These factors create a demand for male-friendly nail salons.

In line with the genderless fashion movement, some brands offer genderless nail polishes. One such brand is “iLLO,” a gender-neutral cosmetics brand. Their collection offers a wide range of colors including glitter and sheer that are perfect for the upcoming summer season. These gender-neutral nail polish brands contribute to the diversification and accessibility of nail care options for individuals of all genders.

(Image: PR TIMES)

The growing acceptance and interest in men’s nail care can change beauty ideals, and self-expression in Japanese society. Japan may be behind other countries when it comes to gender issues. However, this trend contributes to removing gender stereotypes. Japan is progressing towards a society where individuals of all genders can embrace personal freedom.

*1 A survey on men’s nail care conducted by Hotpepper Beauty Academy, Recruit Co., Ltd.

Written by
Moe Kamimoto

Her mission is to make the world a better place for everyone since she studied human rights and environmental issues in college. She is especially interested in sustainable fashion and cosmetics, diversity, and gender equality. A nature and animal lover.

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Written by Moe Kamimoto