Gateway to Sustainability in Japan


To address women’s health issues, many femtech companies and services have emerged in Japan. Here are types of femtech available. The link will lead you to an explanation of the recommended brands and service.

Name & Article Link Genre
Period Tracker Apps Periods / PMS
Absorbent Period Underwear Periods / PMS
Menstrual cup Periods / PMS
Menstrual discs Periods / PMS
Period Tracker Apps for yourself Fertility / Infertility
Period Tracker Apps to use with your partner Fertility / Infertility
Online pregnancy counseling services Fertility / Infertility
​​Ashita Watashi wa Kaki no Ki ni Noboru Intimate care
Intimate wash / Moisturizer Intimate care
Contraceptive kit Sexual wellness
Online consultation services Menopause

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Femtech Women's Health Gender equality