Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Tokyo’s beanholic debuts norwegian bean products for vegans

Bean specialist “beanholic” has announced the launch of its new line of vegetable proteins derived from Norwegian beans, aiming to deliver health and happiness with flavors that last ’till 100 years.’ These new offerings are specifically tailored to meet the growing demand for plant-based diets and offer a sustainable alternative to traditional meat products.

Crafted for individuals with soy allergies, the high-protein, low-fat products use peas and fava beans as primary ingredients. With protein content ranging from 60% to 62%, these foods are designed to be not only nutritious but also easy to digest and gentle on the body. The production process is entirely natural, involving only the grinding and compressing of beans, ensuring the products are free from any chemical additives and are 100% derived from nature. Additionally, they have earned various certifications, underscoring their quality and safety.

“beanholic” caters to a broad spectrum of dietary preferences, from vegans to flexitarians, and is positioned as an ideal choice for both domestic consumers and the inbound vegan market. The versatility of these bean-based proteins allows them to seamlessly integrate into diverse culinary traditions, providing a meaty texture that enhances a variety of dishes without the environmental footprint of traditional meat.

Furthermore, the brand expanded its impact by opening “Mamemi by beanholic” in Yoyogi, Tokyo. This unique eatery will operate every Wednesday, offering a menu that rotates daily among Japanese, Chinese, Western, and ethnic cuisines—all featuring dishes made with fava bean and pea protein meats. “Mamemi by beanholic” will not only serve up innovative meals but also host cooking classes and miso-making workshops, promoting hands-on learning about sustainable food practices.

[Website] beanholic Homepage (Japanese)

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