Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Tokyo tests reuse container sharing with Megloo

From July 24 to July 28, Nakano Ward becomes the testing ground for “Megloo,” a novel container-sharing service leveraging reusable containers to redefine takeout.

The premise is elegant in its simplicity: reduce the scourge of disposable takeout containers by creating a shared, community-driven ecosystem of reusable containers. Borrowed effortlessly with a smartphone and returned to any partner store, Megloo emphasizes not only environmental awareness but also a commitment to quality, sourcing delicious, health-conscious, local ingredients.


But behind the scenes of this green initiative is Kaman, a company not unfamiliar with trailblazing. Recognized for their vision, they clinched the Excellence Award at Marui Group’s third “Co-Creation Pitch” in December 2022, a platform for startups that champion disruptive innovation.

The experiment in Nakano Central Park holds broader implications for Tokyo and perhaps urban centers globally. Kaman’s intention is clear: replace food trucks’ takeout containers with their sustainable Megloo counterpart. By situating collection boxes in high-traffic areas of the park — including landmarks like Nakano Central Park South, which houses eminent entities like the Marui Group headquarters and the Kirin Holdings headquarters — the plan seeks not just participation but habitual change.


Over the experiment’s five-day span, with 35 food trucks serving an average of 443 patrons daily, the aspiration is for nearly a third to choose Megloo. The containers, once returned, undergo rigorous cleaning at the Marui Group’s facility, ensuring safety and hygiene before their next outing.

Tokyo’s Megloo experiment offers a promising glimpse into a future where takeout doesn’t take a toll on our planet.

[Website] Megloo Homepage (Japanese)

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