The Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit (TSSS), the premier Asian event centered on fostering a sustainable fishing industry, is set to return as an in-person gathering from October 17 to 19. This summit marks its ninth year, originating in Japan in...
In November of 2022, Fish and Planet Co. Ltd. (F&P) and the Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Cooperative Kitakamicho Jusanhama Branch Youth Group, a group of 19 seaweed and kelp cultivators, including two corporations, achieved a major milestone in...
Aiming to empower consumers to buy fish based on their sustainability, the World Wildlife Fund has released a Japanese version of its Seafood Handbook. The new booklet grades 23 types of seafood commonly eaten in Japan according to various factors...
Japan is famous for its centuries-old seafood culture. Sadly, sealife and small coastal fisheries are disappearing at an increasingly rapid rate and on the edge of collapse. In order to address this, restaurant owners are working together with other...
In 1982, the International Whaling Commission established a moratorium on commercial whaling that remains in place to this day. A few member countries with a history of whaling, such as Norway and Iceland, still hunt whales commercially despite it...
Global warming and pollution are significant devastators to the marine environment. They have interrupted the ecosystem of marine life. Determined to do their part to mitigate these environmental issues, Zetton Inc., a food and beverage company will...