Ready for an unforgettable adventure? Embark on a unique journey through the enchanting landscapes of rural Japan, guided by the spirit of anime. In this column, discover how anime serves as a source of inspiration for sustainable travel. They can...
Regional Revitalization Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the renowned Pasona Group, is rejuvenating small-town Kotohira Town, Kagawa Prefecture. June 17 marks the opening of their flagship microbrewery, “DONZO Brewing,” an integral component...
To live is to eat. To eat is to live. In modern society, opportunities to learn about the value of life are few and far between. How many of us really consider that the meat and fish we casually consume every day were once living beings? There are...
HafH and Odaka Pioneer Village collaborated on a project to educate people on the current status and challenges of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. The third fieldwork was conducted in the area affected by the tsunami and participated...
HIDAIIYO Co. Ltd. have announced the new “Experience Living in Hida Through Distillation and Dyeing” experience, a well-being lifestyle activity that allows participants to connect with the people and nature of Hida from the perspective...
An abandoned school in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, undergoing an artistic renovation is a great example of creating value out of the old. Closed in 2016, the town has turned the school into an asset that contributes to the town’s revitalization...
In Japan, where the birth rate is declining and the population is aging, the problem of akiya (vacant houses) has become a serious issue in recent years. According to the Japanese government, the number of akiya in Japan increased by about 1.9 times...
The coronavirus has forced many companies globally to shift their working style. Due to the pandemic, we have seen a rise in both employees and employers working from home. The past year saw “workation” as a buzzword too. However, in...
Many countries, cities, and communities worldwide have begun concentrating their efforts toward the purchasing and selling of local goods. Japan is no exception, and with good reason too. The purchase and sale of locally produced goods support small...
COVID-19 has impacted the tourism industry in Japan, affecting the nation’s progress in regional revitalization. To counter the pandemic’s impact, Mie Prefecture Government, TASKAJI, and JTB Communication Design are launching the...