Social Good Roasters, a Tokyo-based initiative born from a welfare facility in Jimbocho, is set to provide their coffee experience at JR Ueno Station with the launch of a unique coffee stand on March 21. Positioned within the bustling confines of...
On New Year’s Day, a devastating earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, shattering the tranquility and well-wishes everyone typically associates with the start of a new year. Due to the series of earthquakes originating...
Media Solution Co. Ltd. opened a new style of Type B continuous employment support last month called “Dijilumi,” specializing in subcultures in Fuji City. Apart from working closely with general companies to increase opportunities for...
Kiyasuku, a clothing repair service that caters to people with physical disabilities, has recently launched a new project called “Seishun no Kiyasuku” (translated: “Youth’s Kiyasuku”) which focuses on repairing school...
Nippon Telegraph and Telecommunication East Corporation Tokyo East Branch (NTT East Tokyo East Branch) is providing all evacuation shelters in Bunkyo Ward “Mieru-Tsuyaku,” a tablet device with real-time visible interpretation for the first time in...
In Japan, about one out of every ten people is left-handed. Therefore, left-handed people are the minority in society. There are also people who can only use one side of their body due to physical disabilities. Japan’s environment for left...
If you have traveled by train in Japan, you may have heard in-car or -station announcements relating to assisting passengers, such as “okyakusama goannnaichu desu.” Station staff use the announcements to communicate when helping...
The Link Up Waste Project is an upcycling project developed by painting & wall covering contractor, Kawakami Tosokogyo. Launched in May this year, the project tackles issues such as textile waste and unemployment. It also allows the company to...
Japan is a disaster-prone country, with tragic ones including the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 and the Kumamoto earthquakes in 2016. The immediate aftermath of an earthquake, tsunami or other disasters can be deadly and claim many lives...
Our modern era has made advancements for the lives of individuals with disabilities. Many countries are developing a better understanding of these individuals, thanks to various advocacy groups, advanced technology, and changes regarding research...