Tokyo, a bustling metropolis where tradition meets the future, skyscrapers juxtapose ancient temples, and where amidst the clamor, pockets of calm exist. These are not just ordinary sanctuaries but cafes that challenge the status quo, rewriting the...
Ordering a Christmas cake ahead of time is on many Japanese people’s holiday to-do list. Cake shops, supermarkets and online stores have already been advertising and started accepting orders. This year, some offer plant-based cakes for those looking...
Traditionally, meat-eating has never been big in Japan. Considering the greenhouse gas emissions involved in meat production, it may be time Japan returns to its low-meat diet. Here we offer some ideas for protein-rich plant foods to replace meat...
Last Thursday saw the opening of 2foods’ third cafe at Shibuya Loft, with a space dedicated to food tech. Called “Food Tech Park,” the space is an exhibition of the latest food tech and food alternatives from Japan and the world...