Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Nessu tackling hunger and inequality with new system

In their quest to “eliminate children’s opportunity gaps,” Nessu Corporation is taking an innovative approach. By establishing a fully operational food bank system and partnering with local businesses and organizations, they aim to build spaces where children can have diverse experiences. The goal is to create a kind society where disparities in food and experiences no longer plague children.

The 2018 Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions found that income poverty significantly impacts children’s opportunity gaps, with 13.5% of children in relative poverty and single-parent households at 48.1%. These impoverished children often lack adequate meals, leading to increased requests for food assistance.

In contrast, Japan discards a staggering 5.22 million tons of edible food each year. Nessu’s mission is to bridge opportunity gaps by fostering a culture of food donations instead of waste. With the rising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more companies are actively donating to food banks, a movement supported by the Japanese government.

Despite over 800,000 tons of food being suitable for donation, companies face numerous challenges that leave this food undonated. Nessu has carefully identified and tackled four primary obstacles: high logistics costs during donations, labor-intensive matching between donors and recipients, limited capacity to accept donations due to facility and staffing issues, and unclear requirements for ensuring safe and reliable donations.

By focusing on the first three challenges, Nessu has devised a system that reduces logistics and matching costs. The ingenious solution incorporates existing food distribution networks for circulating donated food and digital matching through a donation platform.

Following various pilot tests in 2022, Nessu’s system is now prepared for full-scale operation. This year, they will roll out the initiative nationwide, striving to alleviate food poverty and opportunity gaps through food assistance.

Moreover, Nessu is set to launch an office featuring a dedicated children’s space. There, they will host free tutoring sessions, workshops in collaboration with local businesses, sports classes, and more, addressing disparities in opportunities for education, sports, and arts. Nessu’s vision is to foster an environment where children thrive, and their potential is unleashed.

Read more about poverty in Japan

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