Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

LOSSZERO wins 2023 Osaka Environment Awards Grand Prize

LOSSZERO, a company focused on reducing food waste and promoting ethical consumption, has been awarded the grand prize at the 2023 Osaka Environment Awards. The award ceremony took place on 18 April, where the company received a commendation from Hirofumi Yoshimura, the Governor of Osaka Prefecture. During the event, representatives discussed food waste reduction strategies for the upcoming Osaka-Kansai Expo.


In 2022, LOSSZERO signed a business partnership agreement with Osaka Prefecture to collaborate on food waste reduction initiatives. The Osaka Environment Awards were established to recognize and encourage the efforts of individuals, groups, and businesses in Osaka Prefecture who are actively engaged in environmentally friendly practices, with the goal of promoting a sustainable and thriving environment.

LOSSZERO has been operating a food-sharing service called “Loss Zero” since April 2018. This platform connects food producers and consumers to help reduce food waste. The company also runs an e-commerce (BtoC) business that directly connects consumers with surplus and non-standard food products that might otherwise be discarded during production and distribution processes. Additionally, LOSSZERO offers a subscription service called “Loss Zero Irregular Deliveries” and a DtoC business that produces upcycled food products made from unused raw materials.

According to the evaluation by members of the Osaka Prefecture Environmental Council’s Environment and Green Activity Promotion Subcommittee, LOSSZERO’s innovative efforts to distribute potentially discarded food have made a significant impact on food waste reduction. The company’s collaboration with various stakeholders and its growing user base have been highly praised, with expectations for continued expansion of their activities in the future.

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