Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Live streaming on 27 May highlighting Philippines’ street children plight

In a significant outreach effort, the Asia Community Center 21 (ACC21), a certified non-profit organization, has joined forces with the General Incorporated Association Asia Religious Leaders Peace Conference Tokyo (ACRP Tokyo). Together, they will hold an online event on May 27, titled, “Listening to the Authentic Voices of Street Children: Live Streaming Connecting Streets and Online in the Philippines.”

This event, set to run from 10 to 11:30 a.m., aims to shine a light on the plight of an estimated 370,000 “street children” in the Philippines — children and young people living on the streets, often without access to education or enough food, surviving by begging or peddling goods.

The occasion is part of a broader initiative, the “Philippine Street Children ZERO Campaign.” Organized by ACC21 and ACRP Tokyo, and featuring the participation of ICAN, the campaign targets the elimination of street children in the Philippines by 2030. Beyond raising awareness, the campaign is also committed to supporting local activities, building networks with Japanese citizens, NGOs, and companies, and fostering cooperation and collaboration with local entities and governments.

The event promises an intimate connection with the streets of Manila, where attendees will hear directly from the street children themselves. Furthermore, it will offer an insight into the work of Japanese NGOs striving to achieve the goal of the “Philippines Street Children ZERO Campaign.”

While many might be familiar with the term “street children,” understanding the reality of these children’s lives and their thoughts is a different matter entirely. ACC21 and ACRP Tokyo extend an invitation to all interested individuals to attend this event and listen to the voices of these street children.

The event is free of charge and will accommodate up to 85 participants. It will begin at 10 a.m. with a virtual visit to the streets of Manila and will conclude at 11:30 a.m. after a presentation of local support activities by the Certified NPO ICAN and ACC21.

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