Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan
Fridays For Future Kyoto members riding along Kamo River.

Fridays For Future Kyoto rides out and meet climate challenges

Fridays For Future Japan came together to hold their climate march last Friday with a unified message to Japan’s governments. And Fridays For Future Kyoto gave a twist to their climate march by taking it to Kyoto’s beloved Kamo River and riding alongside it with bicycles.

Fridays For Future Kyoto members riding along Kamo River.
(Image: Fridays For Future Kyoto)

Last Friday was the Global Day of Climate Action 0319, where youths from Fridays For Future worldwide rallied behind #NoMoreEmptyPromises, a call for governments to buck up and deliver their promises to advocate climate action.

Fridays For Future Japan also joined in the call, manifesting their online march with Climate Hands Action. The Japanese were invited to take a picture of messages on their hands and post it on their favorite social networks. Messages included, “Save our beautiful Earth,” “Don’t let go of our future!” and, of course, “No More Empty Promises.”

Instagram posts from Fridays For Future Japan call for #ClimateHandsAction.

Fridays For Future Kyoto decided to throw a different mix to their climate march. Gathering by Kamo River that late morning, 14 members made placards to wear while cycling along the river in a round trip. The cycling group gave climate issues visibility, reminding all passers-by and onlookers about the climate crisis.

Fifteen members also held a demonstration in front of the Kyoto City Hall later that day. They gave speeches, expressing their opinions and feelings on climate matters. “Listen for just a little bit,” “Don’t rob us of our future,” and “It’s hard to live in a society where our voices don’t reach and aren’t reflected” were among the few messages that mirrored the young echoes whispered throughout Japan.

Fridays For Future Kyoto members demonstrating in front of the Kyoto City Hall.
Fridays For Future Kyoto members demonstrating in front of the Kyoto City Hall with Publicist and Organizer, Tenshin Shindo, on the far left. (Image: Fridays For Future Kyoto)

Fridays For Future Kyoto Publicist and Organizer, Tenshin Shindo, shared, “When we started to reach out to the public for the Climate Hands Action, I was concerned about the response we were going to get. So we held many meetings and went out to talk to people and shop owners. The response surpassed our expectations! We are heartened by the 300+ participants that have gathered to Fridays For Future Kyoto’s call, and it renews our strength in the fight to ensure a future where no one, including youths, is left behind. We can end this climate crisis.”

Though there were no crowds due to the looming pandemic, Kyoto’s youths have not given up reminding their fellow citizens to take action against climate change. Against the biggest crisis in our time, Fridays For Future Kyoto calls for our aid. Let us answer by lending our ears to listen and our hands for action.

Fridays For Future Kyoto members gathering for a group photo with placards and support from the public.
Fridays For Future Kyoto members fighting the good fight against climate change, with “hands” support from the public. (Image: Fridays For Future Kyoto)
[Website] Fridays For Future Japan Homepage
[Reference] Fridays For Future Homepage

Written by
Roger Ong

Editor-in-Chief for Zenbird Media. Interest in social good, especially in children issues. Bilingual editor bridging the gap between English and Japanese for the benefit of changemakers.

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Written by Roger Ong