Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Cedar Nyan cat litter for forestry and employment sustainability

The Sugi no Chikara Co., Ltd. has launched Cedar Nyan, an innovative organic cat litter that not only promises potent natural odor and bacteria control but also supports employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Partnering with employment support centers, The Sugi no Chikara has initiated a unique “Cat Welfare Collaboration,” sidestepping traditional hurdles such as initial investment costs. These centers, which have historically focused on lower-wage tasks due to financial constraints, can now take advantage of this all-rental model, where high-end equipment, including vinyl greenhouses and air-conditioning devices, are provided without any upfront cost.

This collaboration brings forth an organic drying process, which concentrates the volatile organic components from cedar trees, harnessing their natural benefits. The method also addresses pressing environmental concerns. Utilizing solely natural energy, it reduces CO2 emissions by over 75% compared to conventional drying techniques, pushing forward global warming prevention efforts.

Beyond just being environmentally friendly, the initiative offers hope to sectors grappling with decline. The forestry industry, particularly the cedar segment, has faced challenges with reduced demand leading to problems like abandoned forests. Cedar Nyan cat litter presents an innovative solution, upcycling undervalued resources like thinning timber. By transforming these overlooked materials into valuable products, the initiative breathes new life into the sector.

While the “Cat Welfare Collaboration” bolsters domestic industries, it also resonates globally. The pet healthcare market, set to reach 35 trillion yen by 2027, has seen a spike in demand for sustainable products. Projections show that by 2030, 40% of the cat litter market might shift to eco-friendly alternatives like Cedar Nyan.

This groundbreaking product stands out not just for its environmental advantages. The inherent properties of cedar offer cats a “forest bathing” experience right at home, combining deodorization, antibacterial protection, and a dose of nature’s best.

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