Edible crickets are gaining attention as a possible future alternative food. Japanese startup Gryllus Inc. in Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture, has been working on the development of food products using crickets since its establishment in 2019. The...
Life Hugger, a new media promoting sustainable living in Japan, launched at the beginning of this month. Its goal is to help consumers lead richer and more sustainable lives through sharing information on sustainable products and services. Life...
Japan has been working on gender equality in various ways. However, there remains much to be done to achieve it. “Academic harassment” is no exception. In recent years, it is becoming a big issue. Definition of “academic harassment” in...
Last week, UNIQLO Japan released an absorbent underwear for kids, Girls AIRism Absorbent Shorts. AIRism is UNIQLO’s popular fabric that utilizes the brand’s original technology for instant liquid absorption and smoothness to the skin. It is also...
As part of the Nippon Foundation’s “Sea and Japan Project,” elementary school students participated in the “Programming Sea SDGs!” program at the Kagoshima Museum of the Environment. The students learned programming...
NPO ReBit opened Diversity Career Center, specializing in career support for LGBTQ struggling with mental illnesses such as depression and also those with developmental disabilities. ReBit aims to address the specific need for societal understanding...
As part of the Panda Bamboo Project, Adventure World in Wakayama Prefecture is releasing new Panda Bamboo Tumblers. They are made with upcycled, leftover bamboos that are discarded without being eaten by pandas. The promotion of using reusable cups...
Loop Japan GK, based in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, has announced that from November, the company will start research on implementing a business model for the sale of commercial products with reusable containers via a new sales platform Loop...
The Tokyo Raids in 1945 killed more than 100,000, mostly civilian lives. This is a fact, not a story, that can teach us the importance of an ordinary but irreplaceable peace. The survivors have done their best to keep the storytelling going for the...
One person refusing plastics may seem insignificant at first, but one billion people refusing plastics has a substantial, positive impact on the environment. As more and more seek a sustainable lifestyle, starting your small, daily, sustainable...