Fashion lovers and sustainability enthusiasts need to look out for this month’s Junkan Fes (meaning Circular Festival) in Kyoto! It is a reuse-themed festival that will be held Sunday, 27 November, in Umekoji Park, west of Kyoto Station. The...
Unless you are well-to-do, there is no guarantee that you will not become a climate refugee. The UNHCR estimates that 23.9 million had to flee from climate-related disasters in 2019, especially from extreme storms and flood disasters. Developed...
Many may not be familiar with the term “creacation,” but you may have seen one of its forms before. Creacation refers to the combined experience of “creation” and “communication,” and it’s where people can get together and connect while...
Among the G7, Japan’s progress on gender and equality is the slowest. On the progress of LGBT, it is the only country among the seven that does not allow same-sex marriages and civil unions. Japan is also ranked last among the seven (and 116th...
From 26 October to 6 November, Patagonia will hold their Worn Wear tour along surf areas, offering repairing services to your favorite ocean wear. Like its predecessors, the “Worn Wear Surf Tour” is a traveling repair service to fix torn clothes and...
DAMBO LLC has expanded our options for sustainable, safe, and recyclable toys for children. DAMBO offers a series of kid’s houses made from cardboard, where children can build and express their endless creativity through their favorite...
It is well-known that Japan has the oldest society in the world. 28.9% of the Japanese population is 65 years and above (at 36.2 million). It is still searching hard for solutions to address its declining birth rate and aging population, including...
In the view of the upcoming COP27 to be held in November, record 1.5, a new movement that aims to record the events of the climate crisis is planning to produce a documentary to record the sense of crisis in turbulent social change. The record 1.5...
Fridays for Future Japan will be holding another exciting climate march tomorrow, 23 September, in their relentless passion to inspire climate action in Japan. The global climate march is a global event organized by Fridays for Future youths around...
Momentum is picking up for a(n)action, which had a very successful crowdfunding project for climate clocks this year. a(n)action has been installing a climate clock each month from July to September. To date, there are four climate clocks in Shibuya...