Snow Peak and Burano, a non-profit organization devoted to the betterment of children requiring medical care and their families, have announced a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide children with health challenges the resources and...
Art is a universal language, bridging gaps and connecting humanity across diverse spectrums. As we navigate the complex layers of the human experience, there emerges a necessity for spaces that acknowledge and address societal issues through the...
N-ARK Corporation unveiled its business blueprint for a maritime city dubbed “Dogen City.” This venture’s mission is to create “NEW OCEAN,” an ambitious economic space, fostering collaboration between academia...
With the comfortable spring season coming to an end, the rainy season is just around the corner. As this is a time when many people spend more time at home, it may be the perfect opportunity to enjoy some DIY. KAWAGUCHI Corporation has started...
The Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit (TSSS), the premier Asian event centered on fostering a sustainable fishing industry, is set to return as an in-person gathering from October 17 to 19. This summit marks its ninth year, originating in Japan in...
LEALLIV Corporation steps into the digital arena with the launch of a new media platform, “WaWian Ch.” Aiming to be a digital tapestry for diverse thoughts in a boundary-less world, “WaWian Ch.” encourages its users to...
Itoshiro General Store, a purveyor of reimagined traditional Japanese straight-cut attire tailored to contemporary lifestyles, launched its season of indigo dyeing. Located in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture, the store prizes its role in crafting...
Regional Revitalization Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the renowned Pasona Group, is rejuvenating small-town Kotohira Town, Kagawa Prefecture. June 17 marks the opening of their flagship microbrewery, “DONZO Brewing,” an integral component...
Mitsui Fudosan Residential and ECOMMIT recently unveiled their new initiative to incorporate sustainability in everyday life. They’ve made this possible through their unwanted goods collection service, “Circular Action,” which came...
In an attempt to curb potential environmental and health risks in their community, Indonesian residents, along with members of local NGOs, the WALHI and WALHI West Java, visited Japan between May 22-24, 2023. Their mission: hand-deliver a petition...