Green Display Co., Ltd., in partnership with Tokyu Corporation, which manages the Shibuya Hikari mall, have embarked on a pioneering journey towards harnessing power from plant life. The initiative, dubbed “Botanical Light,” aims to...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Bad advice from older dads The little town of Onomichi in Hiroshima...
Aoyama district of Tokyo sees a new forward-thinking culinary experience: ITOCHU SDGs STUDIO RESTAURANT, or “Hoshi no Kitchen.” The innovative dining concept operates on the theory that changing perceptions can lead to societal...
In a modern twist on a timeless summer favorite, haishop cafe is launching its “Spicy Shaved Ice,” featuring out-of-standard tomatoes, giving the timeless summer favorite a modern twist. Navigating through the labyrinth of food trends...
BEPPU CRAFT revealed its commitment to forest rejuvenation through a novel initiative – turning the region’s untapped bamboo bounty into a delectable treat for both locals and tourists. Bamboo, while celebrated in Asian culture for its...
REGATE opened the doors of its second “Fuku-chan Reuste” store in Hachioji, Tokyo. The shop is the company’s first foray into the Kanto region, following the success of its original store in Osaka’s Toyonaka district. What...
From July 24 to July 28, Nakano Ward becomes the testing ground for “Megloo,” a novel container-sharing service leveraging reusable containers to redefine takeout. The premise is elegant in its simplicity: reduce the scourge of...
As the fashion industry grapples with concerns about overproduction and waste, Book Off Corporation Ltd. is taking a unique approach to address the issue: a nationwide upcycling contest. A subsidiary of Book Off Group Holdings and the force behind...
The UK-origin charity organization, RED BOX JAPAN, aims to support students during their menstrual period by donating boxes filled with free menstrual products to schools. They have recently made a donation of menstrual products to Fujieda City in...
ASTRA FOOD PLAN Co., Ltd. has announced its acceptance into the “Fiscal 2023 Saitama Prefecture Circular Economy Business Creation Subsidy” program. This propels their mission-impacting initiative, the “Saitama Food Circular...