Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Zero Fashion Loss through new Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance

Japan takes another big step towards addressing waste in the fashion industry. Last week, eleven fashion and textile companies cofounded the “Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance.”

This alliance will look at its manufacturing processes, supply chains and waste management to find solutions to fix the common problems in their industry. Furthermore, they want to promote fashion sustainability by incorporating the viewpoints of both customers and retailers. Their ultimate goal is zero waste and carbon neutrality.

The most common problem in the fashion industry is how much resources it uses (estimated 93 billion cubic meters of water in 2020) and the carbon emissions it produces (10% of global emissions). In addition, 85% of textiles end up in landfills ( If we consider how some clothes are made with synthetic fabrics, then we have the additional worry of how long they can take to break down.

Japan sees the urgency to address the global problem. The Ministry of the Environment had a task force to study the outstanding issues and possible solutions between December 2020 to February 2021. However, they realized a partnership was required to tackle the scale of the problems. This led to the manifestation of the Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance.

The member companies of the Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance are committed, too, to several goals. These include supporting the Paris Agreement to decarbonize, striving to join zero-carbon networks like the RE100, achieving transparency in their value chain with customers and suppliers, and getting involved in policies and sustainable fashion collaboration.

Membership currently includes Adastria Co. Ltd., ITOCHU Corporation, Kurabo Industries Ltd., Goldwin Inc., Teijin Frontier Co. Ltd., Toray Industries Inc., Toyoshima Co. Ltd., JEPLAN INC. Company, United Arrows Inc., ASICS Co. Ltd. and Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd.

[Reference] United Arrows Corporate News (Japanese)

Written by
Roger Ong

Editor-in-Chief for Zenbird Media. Interest in social good, especially in children issues. Bilingual editor bridging the gap between English and Japanese for the benefit of changemakers.

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Written by Roger Ong