Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

What is the goal of sustainable fashion?

The goal of sustainable fashion is for brands to prioritize accountability and transparency, in addition to quality. By keeping track of where garments are sourced, the emissions and waste generated in the production and the protection of workers’ rights, brands can build momentum in achieving this goal. Conversely, a lack of transparency can lead to unlawful exploitation, which often favors maximum profits over workers’ rights.

On the other hand, we consumers should play a part by practicing better consumption habits. Only buying items of clothing that are made with natural or biodegradable material is one example. These materials emit less CO2 when incinerated or decompose faster. We should also choose better quality clothing and store and clean our clothes with care so we can keep wearing them for a long time. Furthermore, before tossing an old top that no longer serves its purpose, consider re-selling to a secondhand store, organizing a clothing swap party or donating it to someone who would appreciate it.

By combining the conscious efforts of brands and consumers, we can pursue a better balance between people and the planet.

Written by
Misato Noto

Misato Noto is a translator & writer based in Trinidad and Tobago. She covers travel, technology, and entertainment. She loves yoga, (the idea of) hiking, cooking, and traveling.

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Written by Misato Noto