Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Transgender YouTuber trio reveals new comic series

Mamasta, a mom-focused information site, is set to launch a 4-panel comic series featuring the transgender YouTuber trio, “Mutant Wave.” The series began distribution on “Mamasta Select” on March 22, poised for a ten installment run.

The members of Mutant Wave – Oochan, Masasan, and Asahisan – are not only former players in the Nadeshiko League (Japanese Women’s Soccer League) but also transgender individuals. Having undergone gender reassignment surgery and transitioned from female to male, they now live as men. Mutant Wave is dedicated to being role models for transgender men by sharing their unique experiences as female, male, and athletes.


In an exclusive interview with Mamasta, Mutant Wave shared surprising and rarely-heard truths from their lives as transgender men. They revealed insights that women may not typically consider, such as their first time using a men’s restroom or their experiences dining with women.

Mamasta Select is a platform providing relevant and empathetic information as a means of supporting moms during the often uncertain child-rearing years. The new comic series featuring Mutant Wave is just one example of their ongoing dedication to addressing the concerns and challenges faced by moms today.

[Website] Mamasta Homepage (Japanese)

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