Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Tag - zero hunger

These kawaii Japanese characters care about SDGs

While various companies struggle with promoting their sustainability activities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), some have launched a collaboration with Japanese kawaii characters to introduce the SDGs. It might be a great...

Japanese food scene

Will Japan go hungry?

Today, at least 720 million people, which means one in nine people, are estimated to be hungry in the world. You might think that hunger and malnutrition are issues limited to poverty areas. However, there are concerns about food shortages and price...

a person eating

Japanese alternative food products to tackle hunger

It is estimated that at least 720 million people in the world are currently unable to eat enough food. In other words, about 1 in 9 people are considered to be hungry. The rising costs of food shortages are beginning to directly affect even the...