Minato Mirai 21 is an urban development in Yokohama filled with museums, shopping malls and renowned hotels, all situated on a beautiful waterfront. In a bid to enhance mobility and accessibility around Minato Mirai 21, the city has initiated a...
Yokohama has been chosen as SDGs Future City and is enthusiastic to build a green and sustainable city in Japan. The city has revised “Yokohama City Climate Change Policy Plan” in 2018, in which the city set up a new goal called “Zero Carbon...
The launch of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations in 2016 emphasized the need for a collective effort for a better future. Since then, corporations, educational institutes and local governments have been leveraging their...
Goto is a city in Nagasaki prefecture, consisting of 11 inhabited and 52 uninhabited islands. The city is in the westernmost area of the Kyushu Island; almost 1,000 kilometers west from Tokyo. T-Point Japan co. ltd., a Japanese company engaged in...
Located just a short distance from Yokohama station is KOOWORK, a co-working space that also doubles as sauna. It is the first of its kind in Japan. Workers and businesses are able to release the tensions that come with their jobs, remain...