Are you having a hard time choosing the best sustainable skincare and cosmetics because there are so many different types? Let us introduce you to some of the most ethical, appealing lipsticks you can get in Japan. Problematically, lipsticks are...
When buying clothes, you may look for something that can be worn for many years. Clothing colored by Japanese traditional plant dyeing, “kusaki-zome,” may be just what you are looking for! Kusaki-zome is now attracting attention again in the...
Recently, many people look for sustainable and ethical fashions. Among the various sustainable fashion options, vegan fashion is becoming on-trend globally, and Japan is no exception. Some may think animal-free materials limit the design or quality...
Japan has been concerned about agricultural decline for years. Rice production, in particular, keeps decreasing due to the westernization of dietary patterns among Japanese people. The annual rice consumption per person has decreased to 50.7kg in...
Veganism is gradually expanding in Japan. It is often associated with a diet that excludes all animal products. However, in recent years, more people are realizing that it is more than that, and vegan options are slowly increasing in various fields...
Many of us feel fresh in the new year. This is the best time to think about your wellness. Yoga is one of the most effective and fun ways to maintain physical and mental health. As most sportswear can negatively influence the environment, what you...
As more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental issues, sustainable practices are becoming standard in the fashion industry. Are you trying to make your wardrobe greener? Here is a list of 115 sustainable fashion brands available in...
“as is” is an underwear brand designed for transmen and transwomen. It is developed by Nissen Inner who takes in feedback from customers to create the most suitable innerwear by being close to each person’s mind and body. “as is” wants them to...
We all experience significant changes during our lives. One of the major transformative events for many women is pregnancy and childbirth. During these events, most women will experience changes in their body shapes and discover that their favorite...
Fashion designer Eiko Sugai has designed a tanzen (a top worn over yukata) with sustainable materials. The tanzen is made using Japanese paper denim, with a strong focus on how it can be “returned to the soil” without becoming waste. Along with...