Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Japanese ethical maternity fashion brands for new mothers

We all experience significant changes during our lives. One of the major transformative events for many women is pregnancy and childbirth. During these events, most women will experience changes in their body shapes and discover that their favorite clothes don’t fit anymore. Once their baby is born, some start breastfeeding and pay more attention to the materials and decoration of their clothes for child safety reasons rather than their personal preferences. Some also may hesitate to buy maternity clothes that they would use only for a few months. Here are some ethical maternity fashion brands from Japan that tackle the worries new mothers commonly face.

Maternity fashion that values your baby, yourself and the earth

MEDEL was started in September by Nana Nakamura, a female designer, who went through pregnancy. She experienced changes in her figure and the environment around her and faced specific worries as a result. MEDEL designs its products so that people can wear their garments regardless of changes in body shape or lifestyle and the stereotypes surrounding maternity fashion.


In order to minimize the environmental impact, MEDEL increases the percentage of natural materials instead of petroleum-derived materials and uses recycled materials when they need to use chemical fibers. Natural energy such as solar power is incorporated in their sewing processes and offices. They are also pursuing carbon offsets.

If you are looking for something well-designed and good for the environment, MEDEL would be a great option.

[Online shop] MEDEL (in Japanese)

Maternity nursing clothes that make you feel comfortable anywhere

MO HOUSE was launched to eliminate the hardships of breastfeeding in public which most women endure. The founder, Yuka Mutsuhata, recalls when nursing clothes weren’t yet commonly worn in Japan. Going out with a baby requires time and effort for those who choose breastfeeding to raise their babies, as it requires women to look for nursing rooms and carry a nursing cover. MO HOUSE aims to encourage such women to go out without hesitation by introducing their nursing clothes that can completely cover breastfeeding and allow women to breastfeed without being noticed by others.

MO HOUSE is committed to sustainable production and consumption by producing minimally designed clothes made of natural materials that can be worn for a long time. In production, they also support women’s employment in Nepal through a fair-trade project. Furthermore, MO HOUSE welcomes mothers to bring their kids to work to promote wellness in women.

[Online shop] MO HOUSE (in Japanese)

Your choice can promote sustainability in society

As these examples suggest, fashion brands that aim to achieve women’s comfort and sustainability at the same time are increasing in Japan. Choosing ethical maternity fashion can help with feeling more comfortable during pregnancy or parenting. It also creates a more eco-friendly and livable society. Taking an interest in company philosophy and the production process can be a first step towards making more principled choices for both oneself and the earth.

[Related article] How can we contribute to sustainable fashion? | Zenbird

Written by
Moe Kamimoto

Her mission is to make the world a better place for everyone since she studied human rights and environmental issues in college. She is especially interested in sustainable fashion and cosmetics, diversity, and gender equality. A nature and animal lover.

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Written by Moe Kamimoto