The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has launched the “Tocho Electricity Plan,” an initiative designed to support its goals of reaching net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. The Tocho Electricity Plan aims to utilize surplus electricity generated...
Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force’s famed “Blue Impulse” squadron used a domestically produced Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) named “SUSTEO” for their exhibition flight at the F1 Japanese Grand Prix finals. This...
As climate change worsens and we continue to feel its impact, it is crucial to build a proper roadmap to combat the crisis. Global warming has gotten more attention, with countries worldwide making their own plans to deal with it. Japan is no...
Agriculture is under attack today from climate change. The attacks come from multiple fronts, including receding water tables, geographical shifts of weather, environmentally harmful slash-and-burns, not to mention subsequent problems of food...
Green energy is essential for stopping the worst outcomes of climate change. Fossil fuels such as gas and carbon are a huge factor in global warming. The transition is not going to be easy for every country. Japan, in particular, relies mostly on...
Starting this year, Mitsubishi Estate・Simon Co. Ltd. is making June a “Premium Outlet Environment Month.” It wants to create a sustainable outlet shopping center for people to participate in social contribution easily while shopping...
Have you heard of “Hummingbird Electric Power”—an electric service in Japan that provides 100% real renewable energy with zero CO2? Provided by Borderless Japan Co., Ltd., their natural energy contributes to the prevention of global warming. They...
The company leading a project to create Japan’s largest-scale palm oil power plant in Kyoto Prefecture has informed a citizens’ group fighting the development that it has decided to pull out of the project. On April 23, the group Association...
Nissin Food Holdings has announced its decision to switch to sustainable energy through Waste-To-Energy plants as their main source of electrical power for its headquarters in Tokyo by the end of this year. Waste-To-Energy, also known as WtE, is an...
Renewable energy provides sustainable energy, massively cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and helps to minimize the impact of climate change. Tokyo, the economic center of Japan, has been seeking to contribute to the global goal of zeroing out...