Starting October, TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) has moved three of its prominent locations: akasaka Sacas, Akasaka Blitz and Akasaka ACT Theater towards completely operated by renewable energy. This switch is in line with SDG Media Compact, an...
The Japanese government is tackling both domestic and international measures to restore forestry and to change it into a growth industry. The Forestry Agency runs a new-employment training project called “Midori-no-koyou (Green Employment)”, in...
Online bakery market Rebake, which tackles food waste, announced that between its launch in December 2018 and July 2019, a total of 7.5 tons of bread was saved from being wasted. Bakeries try to ensure the proper management of baked items by closely...
Since 2004, Chiba University, a public university, has been creating its Environmental Report every year. The environmental student committee oversees the composing of the report, designing, interviewing for, and writing it in line with the...
Custom wooden house builder Aqura Homes, in collaboration with IKEA Japan and Yokohama SDGs Design Center, has started the SDGs Life Design Project. This project was started to propose a new style of architecture and living, as well as aiming to...
AIR Inc., a company based in Tokyo, is engaged in business such as drone industry, crowd funding and event planning. It carried out a survey related to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with the members of the “joshikai community” (women-only...
Very often, organizations tackle one or a few aspects of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). This, of course, makes sense. Not everyone would be an expert to tackle all the problems present in this world. Neither does anyone have the resources to...
A few media sources have reported that Yuriko Koike, the governor of Tokyo, announced a city-run demonstration for an original digital currency in Tokyo. Citizens will be able to use this for civil payment services at two locations in the...