This marks my third installment of “Manga ‘One Piece’ and social commentary.” This time, I’ve decided to delve into another significant social theme portrayed in the series. Although One Piece captivates audiences with its great story and charming...
Kawasaki King Skyfront Tokyu Rei Hotel is in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, an hour train ride from central Tokyo. It is the world’s first hotel that utilizes hydrogen energy. Since its opening in June 2018, it has attracted many visitors and guests...
Lawson Inc., a major convenience store chain in Japan, announced the company will donate part of its surplus food to Zenkoku Food Bank Suishin Kyougikai (All Japan Food Bank Promotion Council) starting August 5. Surplus food donation by a large...
About an hour’s drive from Tokushima City is Kamikatsu, a small town in Shikoku Island. This depopulated town has less than 1,600 people, 50% of which belongs to an aging population. In spite of that, this town welcomes approximately 2,600...
Currently, the coverage of cell phones around the world exceeds 100% and has even surpassed more than 90% in developing nations. In view of this, an app was launched in July last year in developing nations. This app makes international support...
Currently, how much food waste has increased around the world? At what rate have the world’s forests’ been reduced? Graphs and charts are often used to help us visualize, and hence comprehend the situation of social issues. Unfortunately, no...
Homes are a starting point in peoples’ lives. So it’s an admirable thing to create a business model that solves both issues of supporting single mothers and vacant houses. There are over 1.2 million single mothers and fathers in Japan. That...
Kizuna Mail is an email support service that provides assistance to pregnant women, mothers raising children, and their partners. Yukio Oshima, the director of the Kizuna Mail Project, explains the issues surrounding single parenting in Japan and...
Food waste has been one of the biggest topics in Japan. Japan is looking at 28 million tons of food discarded and thrown away annually. By the way, it is equivalent to about 30% of food expenses. “Food waste,” such as unsold, expired, or leftover...
We are now living in an age where there is a demand for added value products. Those produced on a massive scale are starting to lose footing. In addition, the traditional method of cutting down forests to make way for plantations and farms no longer...