As I wrote before in my previous column, the manga “One Piece” written by Eiichiro Oda covers various social issues as though it is a microcosm of the real world. While One Piece has consistently held the top spot in both the manga and anime fields...
“What Did You Eat Yesterday?” (original title: “Kinou Nani Tabeta?”), based on the manga series with the same title written and illustrated by Fumi Yoshinaga is a heartwarming Japanese TV drama series that portrays a slice of life of a middle-aged...
The social recognition for LGBTQ people is growing, and moves toward equal rights for LGBTQ people are progressing. In Japan, same-sex marriage is not recognized yet. However, some local governments have recently introduced partnerships, and...
In Japanese society, traditional gender roles still prevail. Although reducing unconscious bias is an uphill task, part of society is attempting to achieve gender equality through SDGs. The fashion field is no exception. In recent times, genderless...
Social progress can feel frustratingly slow anywhere, especially when it comes to LGBT and gender equality. This is as true in Japan as it is in other countries. Sexual minorities deserve the same rights and freedoms as heterosexuals, but...