Corporation announced a groundbreaking comprehensive partnership agreement with Hyuga City to propel the city’s transformation into a zero-carbon urban center. The collaboration also aims to foster sustainable development by tapping into the...
In a previous article, “IPCC forecasts unavoidable climate change damage to oceans, food and Asia,” we looked at how much worse the outcomes for the world will be the higher the degree of global warming. In the second part of its Sixth Assessment...
Japan is not known as an easy place to be vegan or vegetarian. While Japanese cuisine is healthy overall, it often uses animal products and some Japanese are confused about what a plant-based diet truly means. There are some exceptions, however...
Climate change is a worldwide crisis. We will feel its worst effects in the future if we do not take action. However, some areas of the world are already facing the consequences of global warming. While fighting climate change is a multi-faceted...