Gateway to Sustainability in Japan

Tag - Recycling

Recycling is the process of turning waste into useful materials or products. While there are many other new methods like upcycling and repair, recycling remains as the symbol to strive for zero waste.

Why is Japan so good at recycling?

Japan excels at recycling because various elements come together, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. These elements encompass a national mandate, Japanese culture, and an effective waste management system. Japan enacted laws such as the Basic...

Is Japan a leader in recycling?

When discussing recycling, the understanding of recycling rates varies. A simpler definition might be the total recycled as a fraction of total waste generated (source). More extensive definitions arise from considering multiple aspects, such as the...

Questioning the reality of plastic recycling in Japan

If you do an internet search for Japan’s plastic recycling rate, you will find an impressive figure of around 85% (as of 2019). Those of us who live here can pat ourselves on the back for the efforts we make in recycling the PET bottles of green tea...