A special drama “Mr. Period and His Daughter (original title: “Seiri no Ojisan to Sono Musume”) was aired by NHK, a Japanese public broadcaster. This drama is heartwarming yet groundbreaking in terms of making menstruation open to any gender and any...
Do you do anything to stay healthy? A popular way to tone the body and mind is yoga. Yoga is especially popular among women because it is easy to engage with even while going through changes in one’s physical and mental condition due to menstrual...
*This article contains affiliate links. Periods are one of the biggest concerns in women’s wellness. Although the difficulties of periods vary by individual, they can affect a person’s quality of life. In Japan, periods are often considered...
How much do you know about periods? Do you feel uncomfortable when talking about periods in public? The latest survey by Nikkei BP Intelligence Group suggests that male and female managers hinder the supportive workplace for women suffering from...
How would you describe a women-friendly workplace? One of the most common problems facing women is related to menstruation. Some suffer from PMS or PMDD, which causes physical and emotional discomfort before, during and after periods. The symptoms...
Most women experience menstruation in their lives. Although its symptoms vary among individuals, some people struggle with severe menstrual cramps and emotional instability, interfering with their daily routines. In Japan, “period leave” was enacted...
Japan’s delayed approval of birth control pills The pill became available on the market in 1960 in the U.S. Side effects such as headaches, nausea, weight gain and dizziness were common due to the high level of hormones that the pill contained. As a...
The simple facts about periods and their symptoms Menstruation generally involves the monthly discharge of blood and tissue. Women’s bodies prepare for a possible pregnancy every month by thickening the lining of the uterus. If pregnancy...