The non-profit organization Gawain has unveiled a groundbreaking method that’s dramatically reducing rape incidents in high-risk areas of the bustling slums of India’s capital. Dubbed the “Community Self Defense” or CSD...
In emerging Asian countries, improving access to affordable housing in urban settings is a major concern. Slums often develop in cities with rapid rural-urban migration and tight housing supplies. As a result, in these informal settlements, dwellers...
Maximizing the lifecycle of raw materials is a major part of circular economy models. Pursuing innovation in this area provides multiple benefits at once, including improved economic stability, employment opportunities and a reduced negative impact...
Fair trade is becoming an instrumental part of Japanese culture. Although this term is relatively new in comparison to other countries, many brands and companies are revamping their own models in order to deliver some of the best products. They do...
The climate crisis is urgent. According to the United Nations, we need to drop our carbon emissions by a staggering 55% by 2030 in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are already likely seeing some of the effects of climate...