Gateway to Sustainability in Japan

Tag - GSRM

What is the difference between LGBT and SOGIE?

While the two terms, LGBT and SOGIE, are related to gender, sexual, and romantic minorities (or GSRM,) they refer to quite different aspects. What is LGBT? LGBT stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual.” LGBT has evolved over...

Top 6 Gender & Equality articles 2022

There are many issues regarding gender in Japan, particularly around gender equality and LGBTQ and diversity. Here are the top articles that Zenbird readers have been interested in 2022 regarding gender and equality. Contents What is LGBTQQIAAPPO2S...

LGBT YouTubers in Japan, in English!

The number of LGBT YouTubers in Japan have risen in recent years, with several channels run by YouTubers of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Here we share with you Japan-based YouTubers who either present in English or add...