“Circularity Cabin,” designed by the duo Eriano and Tyfa, has been recognized among the Good Design Award Best 100. The project also clinched several prestigious awards both domestically and internationally for its contributions to...
Each year, over 120 billion cups of instant noodles are consumed globally, a testament to their convenience, taste, and affordability. However, for many in Japan, religious beliefs, personal philosophies, or allergies can prohibit the enjoyment of...
On the way to the interview, I was surprised to see so many shops with closed shutters in the city. Even for a weekday, the sight is often reserved for distant rural areas. But that impression was reversed nearing the location of “Waiwai...
Very often, organizations tackle one or a few aspects of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). This, of course, makes sense. Not everyone would be an expert to tackle all the problems present in this world. Neither does anyone have the resources to...