Imagine if women and girls could wear special underwear during their periods without the need for pads, tampons or cups. This would save money, reduce waste and alleviate the stress of feeling uncomfortable when purchasing these products, making...
“Tora ni Tsubasa (虎に翼),” “The Tiger and Her Wings” in English, the morning drama series aired on NHK, has grown its popularity since its broadcast this April. Based on a true story, the drama depicts the life of the heroine who became Japan’s...
The upcoming March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a day to honor the efforts of women and reflect on their progress in the fight for equality, peace and development. It serves as a reminder to refocus attention on these critical issues...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Japan looks to be losing tolerance for sexist comments Politician Taro Aso at...
On March 8, we honor women dedicated to confronting current social norms and working to make the world a better place for women. To commemorate this significant day, numerous events are held worldwide. What is International Women’s Day? The...
As the weather turns colder, it’s the perfect season to unwind and enjoy a movie at home. Here are some recommended movies and an anime series that depict LGBTQ people living with joy despite challenges in life. Although some are so heavy that...
“Womanhood in Japan” series column rounds up Japanese news related to women’s daily experiences of sexism here and considers what we can do to increase the pace of change. Sony due to boost ratio of new female science and technology hires to 30%...
In today’s world where compassion needs to meet innovation, a Japanese company pioneers a digital map to support LGBTQ+ individuals seeking healthcare solace. Novartis Pharma launched the “Ally Map” in September, introducing...
From April 2022, the Japanese government has finally started to provide insurance coverage for fertility treatment including in vitro fertilization (IVF), at less than one-third of the previous cost. Numerous couples have awaited fertility treatment...
As I wrote before in my previous column, the manga “One Piece” written by Eiichiro Oda covers various social issues as though it is a microcosm of the real world. While One Piece has consistently held the top spot in both the manga and anime fields...