Kyoto’s age-old dashi manufacturer, Uneno Co., Ltd., renowned since its establishment in 1903 for its diverse range of additive-free dashi, is collaborating with the contemporary dog-focused brand, mellowbear. On August 21, these two seemingly...
In a modern twist on a timeless summer favorite, haishop cafe is launching its “Spicy Shaved Ice,” featuring out-of-standard tomatoes, giving the timeless summer favorite a modern twist. Navigating through the labyrinth of food trends...
Mori no Yu, a traditional hot spring resort, has announced its newest initiative – the Barley Tea Bath, to combat food waste. The unusual yet environmentally-friendly project, launched in collaboration with Nihon Seibaku, is set to run from...
In a quest to address food waste and foster a more sustainable future, Japan’s JTB Corporation has launched the Sustainable Voyage Project, introducing their pioneering product — the “Lost Journey Can.” Food waste has long been a...
Kuradashi, a Japanese social enterprise, has recently launched the “Seasonal Second-Grade Fruit Subscription Service.” The unique initiative allows subscribers to receive a monthly supply of delicious, seasonal fruits from Yamagata...
Futako-Tamagawa Rise, an integrated commercial facility at the Tokyu Den-en-toshi and Oimachi Lines’ Futako-Tamagawa Station, is making waves with the opening of its gourmet kitchen car, TABESUS. Opened in mid-April, this unique venture is the...
As the use of artificial intelligence expands worldwide, companies are increasingly using it to reduce food loss and waste in the supply chain. Japanese firms are applying the technology with the aim of cutting costs, and larger-scale joint public...
A longstanding greengrocer with a history spanning over six decades has successfully upcycled non-standard sweet potatoes into a delightful dessert called “Pure Sweet Potato Pie.” While sweet potato consumption has surged amid an...
Fermenstation, a Tokyo-based research and development startupi, is revolutionizing the way society repurposes and recycles unused resources through its innovative fermentation technology. The company has successfully commercialized the production of...
“Joint Venture to U” is launching its 2023 project in the Gifu area. Since 2020, Gifu Cola has started its activities, creating a presence in the Seino region. From the outset, the company has aimed to produce cola in each of the five...