A Kyoto-based ramen restaurant operator has launched a groundbreaking initiative aimed at tackling the environmental issue of neglected bamboo forests in Kyoto Prefecture. The “Kyoto Bamboo Shoot Project,” centered around their chain...
Food is an essential part of our lives. Since we devote ourselves to it three times a day, every day, adjusting our dining habits can have a big impact. That makes it a good place to start if you want to make your way of living more sustainable. To...
In this series of “sustainable restaurant” articles, we have discovered several Japanese restaurants which are involved in the Sustainable Restaurant Association Japan (SRA-J) and the Japanese branch of internationally renowned the “FOOD...
Japan now has its own version of the Sustainable Restaurant Association that began in the UK and the FOOD MADE GOOD Awards that it runs to recognize and encourage sustainability initiatives in the food service industry. Award winners become models...
Is it true that Japanese people are suffering from malnutrition? It can be surprising to think about it since Japan is one of the well-known countries for its abundance of food and even a terrible amount of food waste. Nevertheless, the hidden story...
Throughout history, the all-time favorite protein source has been insects. Eating insects was once common across mankind, with the ancient Greeks and Romans of 2,500 years ago seemingly partial to a bug or two. Some say that entomophagy in Japan may...
Today, at least 720 million people, which means one in nine people, are estimated to be hungry in the world. You might think that hunger and malnutrition are issues limited to poverty areas. However, there are concerns about food shortages and price...
Ever come across an apple with a bruise or a cucumber overly bent in Japanese supermarkets? Chances are you will say, “no.” Japan is particularly strict when it comes to putting vegetables and fruits out in the market. Severe standard...
Since their food-tech startup in June 2020, Next Meats Co. Ltd. has constantly challenged the next possibility in alternative meat. Their philosophy is “not letting the earth end,” and they have been releasing alternative “fake...
It’s been a wild year. Japan hoped to see the end of COVID in 2021, especially with its implementation of vaccinations. It has affected all aspects of life, which pains us with each news of loss and pain. But certain local governments have been...