Earth Day 2024, which takes place on April 22 annually and globally, is fast approaching. It is the world’s largest gathering to address the health of our planet. Since its launch in 1970, one billion people from 192 countries have participated in...
The Earth Day Action Okinawa Executive Committee has announced that is hosting the first-ever “Earth Day Action Okinawa 2023” event from 21 April till 5 May. The event will take place across four regions of the main island of Okinawa:...
This year for Earth Day Tokyo, the “Workers’ Co-op Village” adopts the mantra “Let’s create together! A ‘circle’ connecting people and nature,” in harmony with Earth Day Tokyo 2023’s theme...
Earth Day Tokyo is trying something new as it marks its 20th birthday this year. This time, all the contents of the festival – which is set for April 18 and 19 (today and tomorrow!) – will happen online. The change is a response to the spread of the...