Gateway to Sustainability in Japan

Tag - Circular Economy

Top 6 Circular Economy articles 2022

Creating a circular economy is half the solution to tackling the climate crisis. It is also the replacement to most developed economies’ “make more, sell more, waste more” linear model. And we are heartened to see how many of our...

Refusing an energy-intensive lifestyle

You are surely familiar with the old 3 Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle. More modern takes on how to achieve a circular economy stretch as far as 10 Rs and include the concept of “refuse.” While it may be easy enough to refuse by deciding to not buy...

Circular beer from KAMIKATZ designs out brewing waste

RISE & WIN Brewing Co. KAMIKATZ, the beer brewer from Zero Waste Town Kamikatsu, has created a completely circular beer, the reRise Pale Ale. KAMIKATZ has been striving to achieve zero waste in its operations, and the new brew moves it closer to...

Making the Japanese food system more circular

Japan’s food system is highly dependent on imports and has a self-sufficiency ratio of just 38% on a caloric basis. On top of this, Japanese households on average throw away almost 40% of edible food. Shifting Japan’s food system to a more circular...