Chance for Children (CFC), a nonprofit dedicated to reducing inequalities in children’s experiences, has partnered with Carepro to provide free transportation services for Tokyo families where disabilities, illnesses, or other issues make it...
Japan is rarely associated with poverty. Its nominal GDP remains the world’s fourth largest after the U.S., China and Germany, and it has the lowest unemployment rate among the top seven advanced economies. Yet Japan slips to the 24th spot when...
This marks my third installment of “Manga ‘One Piece’ and social commentary.” This time, I’ve decided to delve into another significant social theme portrayed in the series. Although One Piece captivates audiences with its great story and charming...
It’s been a while since most of the media and non-governmental sectors have pointed out how seriously poverty influences inequality in education, and Japanese citizens who are reluctant to admit that there’s inequality within Japanese society...
Kids Door, a non-profit organization that combats child poverty in Japan through education and support, launched an emergency crowdfunding campaign beginning this week, seeking to address the critical needs of children. The initiative comes in...
In a significant outreach effort, the Asia Community Center 21 (ACC21), a certified non-profit organization, has joined forces with the General Incorporated Association Asia Religious Leaders Peace Conference Tokyo (ACRP Tokyo). Together, they will...
The Certified NPO UN World Food Programme Association celebrated the 16th annual “WFP Walk the World” event in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai on Sunday, May 14. This year saw a significant increase in participation, with 3,728 individuals...
“Kodomo Takushoku” program embarks on a new challenge: crowdfunding through Furusato Tax donations. Kodomo Takushoku, a food delivery program for economically struggling households in Bunkyo Ward, hopes to raise the potential for a...
Relative poverty is a problem not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. Relative poverty refers to being poorer than the majority of people in a country or region compared to absolute poverty, which is the inability to meet...
October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Economic disparity is also increasing in Japan. One in seven people lives in relative poverty according to the comprehensive survey of living conditions by Ministry of Health...