On December 8, Yokumoku Museum will host a special workshop titled “Picasso de Art,” which combines Picasso’s artistic vision with the traditional Japanese craft of bonsai. This event, part of the museum’s ongoing efforts to promote...
The traditional craft of Urushi-nuri in Wajima City, Ishikawa, has been passed down for thousands of years. Unfortunately, many craftsmen were lost in the devastating earthquake on January 1, 2024. Despite this tragedy, their indomitable spirit...
Japan’s traditional artisans offer lessons in zero waste that have been practiced for centuries. Seeing the collaboration between Omoros and Iwata Sanpou Seisakusho, a manufacturer of ceremonial offering stands (also known as sanpou) reveals another...
The Richmond Hotel in Aomori, a bustling city in Japan’s northern Tohoku region, reopened its doors on July 26th, showcasing a transformative blend of traditional Tsugaru crafts and contemporary Nordic interiors. This is not just a renovation;...
Suwa, in Nagano Prefecture, is a charming destination showcasing the craftsmanship of local artisans. From Mino-yaki pottery and Kiriko cut glass to tin crafts, the region’s traditional aesthetics come alive. Breathtaking scenery of Lake Suwa...
Itoshiro General Store, a purveyor of reimagined traditional Japanese straight-cut attire tailored to contemporary lifestyles, launched its season of indigo dyeing. Located in Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture, the store prizes its role in crafting...
KOYORI is a collaboration between companies that make excellent products all over Japan and companies that covey their excellence. Not only is there a strong focus on Made in Japan, KOYORI aims to be sustainable in its production and delivery. Steps...
While Taketa City is well-known for its beauty in its surroundings. One can see the majestic mountain ranges and enjoy the sights while bathing in the many hot springs. Yet many do not realize how many wonderful artisans have gathered here, each...