In Tokyo’s Kanda-Izumicho, Studio Satsukipon stands as a bastion of diversity, embracing artists and staff from a myriad of gender backgrounds, including transgender MtF individuals. Satsuki Nishihara, the visionary founder, has provided support to over 1,000 sexual minority individuals through “Otome Juku” and delved into TV dramas and films, showcasing a wide range of cultural activities.
A sobering 2020 Nijiiro Diversity survey exposed that 28.4% of transgender men and 44.6% of transgender women have faced dwindling bank balances of 10,000 yen or less. While society inches toward understanding sexual minorities, challenges persist. Transgender individuals, in particular, confront hurdles in securing employment and funding essential treatments and transition processes.
Studio Satsukipon strives to change this harsh reality by unearthing, nurturing, and empowering talented transgender creators and artists. Focusing on music, animation, and reading plays, the studio envisions a future where art transcends anxieties and desires, reaching wider audiences.
Committed to improving working conditions, Studio Satsukipon actively employs sexual minority individuals as staff. In doing so, they aim to establish a space where all can participate as society’s members, offering career support and expanding opportunities beyond borders.
Studio Satsukipon’s belief is that by fostering a society that acknowledges diverse circumstances and values through creative works, the world inches closer to richness and inclusivity. With English translations incorporated into their works, the studio sets its sights on global expansion within a decade, igniting change from Japan and beyond.
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- 2024-10-31: Progress for LGBTQ in Japan: PRIDE VISION and court victories
- 2024-08-29: “The Boyfriend,” Japan’s first same-sex dating show tells the cast’s stories
- 2024-06-18: Japan's LGBTQ-friendly kimono rental service embracing diversity
- 2023-12-21: Winter watchlist: Unmissable Japanese LGBTQ movies and anime
- 2023-11-24: "Ally Map" to connect LGBTQ+ patients with healthcare providers for stress-free visits