Gateway to Sustainability in Japan

record 1.5 crowdfunds for climate crisis documentary project

In the view of the upcoming COP27 to be held in November, record 1.5, a new movement that aims to record the events of the climate crisis is planning to produce a documentary to record the sense of crisis in turbulent social change.

The record 1.5 movement was founded by the members Suzuka Nakamura and Daiki Yamamoto, after realizing that there was a gap between the public’s understanding and the actual danger in the climate crisis. Frustrated and anxious about how the public is not feeling the crisis surrounding the climate, they have decided to use the documentary to record this historic passage into a worrying future.

The two university students have been involved in multiple climate activities including member of Fridays For Future, member of the Kagoshima City Environmental Council, co-representative of Climate Live Japan and the Climate Clock project member. Nakamura and Yamamoto plan to participate in the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (we commonly know it as COP27), where they’ll use the documentary as a medium to report the events.

For this documentary to proceed, Nakamura and Yamamoto are crowdfunding to raise travel expenses of 6.5 million yen. The funds will cover overseas travel expenses, living expenses, equipment, personnel expenses and more. Find out more about their crowdfunding details here (in Japanese.)

The purpose of record 1.5 is to create an opportunity to share a sense of crisis and a variety of viewpoints by showing and recording the changing places due to climate change. The records will act as a medium for diverse thinking and immediate change, while leaving as something to be entrusted to future generations.

[Reference] Project: Sharing the real climate crisis through documentary from the International Environmental Conference in Egypt!
[Reference] record 1.5 Instagram Account
[Reference] record 1.5 YouTube Channel

Written by
Roger Ong

Editor-in-Chief for Zenbird Media. Interest in social good, especially in children issues. Bilingual editor bridging the gap between English and Japanese for the benefit of changemakers.

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Written by Roger Ong