Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

Oito launches with sustainable footwear which uses Japanese paper thread

A new Japanese sustainable shoe brand, Oito, launched last Thursday. Through careful selection of sustainable materials and monitoring of the production process, their shoes are friendly to manufacturing partners and the environment.


The feature that makes Oito stand out above the others is its development of unique materials. For example, the Japanese paper thread used in their shoes can generate and retain heat when exposed to light. They have also developed polyester threads made from recycled PET, used for their functionality while ensuring ethical usage.


The concept of mottainai, a dislike for waste, is also a driver behind Oito’s production. Unlike mass production that leads to overstocking and waste, Oito only makes what is needed to ensure profits are passed on to shoemakers.

Another key factor that Oito values is that the products are made in Japan. The number of low-priced imported shoes has increased in recent years, which led to a decrease in demand for domestic women’s shoes. On top of the effects of the pandemic, Oito estimates that the market for domestic brands will only reach 2% this year. It wants to relight the goodness of Japanese materials like the Japanese paper thread and recover that lost demand. They work with the shoemakers from Kobe and Nagata regions, once well-known for being the production centers for shoes.

Oito is not new to the sustainable footwear scene. Their crowdfunding this June for “Washi Flat,” which also featured women pumps made using Japanese paper thread, achieved a stunning success of 4690% funding. Following their brand launch, Oito is releasing the Hidamari Thermo Series, which uses thermo-yarn that generates heat and keeps the feet warm.


Of course, for those of you wondering, comfort is just as important for the Oito team. They have given attention to the design and materials to ensure comfort to the skin and eliminate pain. Really, why should using bandages be the norm? Their designs are also evergreen, so you don’t need to stress to chase trends, nor feel the eco-guilt for wearing unsustainable counterparts.

Note also that returns and exchanges are free (even if worn outside), so you can rest assured while trying out this sustainable footwear. Do check out their website for the current selection (recommend the Hidamari Thermo Series for the upcoming winter), or look out for their new release of new boots next month.

[Website] Oito Homepage (Japanese)

Written by
Roger Ong

Editor-in-Chief for Zenbird Media. Interest in social good, especially in children issues. Bilingual editor bridging the gap between English and Japanese for the benefit of changemakers.

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Written by Roger Ong