Meal kit delivery services are a time-saving solution for busy people. They cut down on shopping, preparation and cooking time, rather than doing everything from scratch.
Oisix ra daichi, Inc. is one of the most popular meal kit delivery companies in Japan, providing natural, nutritious ingredients to busy consumers. The secret of its success isn’t limited to their healthy ingredients. Some of the ingredients are already prepped, making it user-friendly. In addition, using easy-to-follow recipe instructions that come with its “Kit Oisix” meal kit, meals can be prepared within 20 minutes.

These meal kits reduce both cooking time and food waste
The company also proposes Kit Oisix as an answer to food waste. The kit comes with a precise amount of ingredients, so there is no waste. According to a user survey in 2019, users were able to reduce their food waste by two-thirds. 58 survey participants answered that they toss nearly 119 grams of food per meal, while they waste less than 42 grams of Kit Oisix ingredients.
In a bid to accelerate its effort towards sustainability, Oisix ra daichi introduced new eco-friendly packaging for its “Kit Oisix” meal kit. Starting in April, a bioplastic package will replace its single-use plastic packaging a bioplastic package, which contains ethanol extracted from sugar cane. The company estimates that this alternative material allows them to reduce their use of petroleum-derived plastic by approximately three tons per year. It will also cut down carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 13 tons per year. This switch will be applied to all the components of the package: the bag itself, recipe pockets, ink and adhesive.

While the introduction of this alternative packaging is currently limited to Kit Oisix, the company is looking to implement more waste-free, sustainable materials in many other products. Coupled with its minimal-waste meal kits, Oisix ra daichi is surely on its way to fostering sustainable cooking and eating.
[Reference] PR TIMES