Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan

New haishop DELI to promote local first and reduce food waste

From this week onwards, haishop cafe begins offering haishop DELI, a side dish food takeaway service. The service will promote local production for local consumption and reduce food waste while maintaining its 80% vegan menu.

haishop cafe is a sustainable cafe situated at Minato Mirai in Yokohama which solves social issues using food as the medium. Among its activities, it conducts weekend markets that sell pesticide-free vegetables during the weekends. Therefore haishop cafe is familiar with the problems of ingredients being discarded because they are not of standard size and appearance. It led to food waste.

Doubling as a solution to the increased demand for takeaways during the pandemic, haishop cafe will take unsold vegetables and create side dish menus for customers to purchase. Not only that, haishop cafe will use only ingredients within an 80 km radius, which is the definition for “local production, local consumption” provided by Japan Sustainable Restaurant. Since the yields of local producers differ from climate and season, they will develop new recipes sold through a set menu or by weight.

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Zenbird Editorial Team

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Written by Zenbird Editorial Team